X18S black firmware

X18S black firmware

X18S black firmware has been uploaded to Google Cloud Disk. Please download it if necessary. Here, consumers are warned: brushing the machine is risky, so please be careful. In addition, if there is no system problem with your console, please don't betools. If there is a problem that you can't access the system, you can try betools. There is also a black version of firmware and a white one that is not universal. Please note the difference.


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24 commentaires

Is there any tutorial to apply this firmware update?


nunca havia adquirido nada de uma empresa tão horrível quanto a sua. Estou há quase um ano tentando contato para devolução de um X18s que nunca funcionou. Vocês tem o pior pós venda que já tive contato, estarei entrando com um processo na justiça contra sua empresa, talvez dessa forma vocês passem as tratar os clientes com mais respeito.


Make Sure to only install the using the scatter file with 0 at the end for the black edition. Scatter file 1 is for the white gsm edition


I have a powkiddy x18s and I need two buttons (R1 and L1) how do I buy these buttons?




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